Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting Shots

We have gotten our tetanus shot and the hepatitis A shot.  I asked our doctor for a prescription for anti-malarial pills and he asked me which medication I wanted.  Um...I dunno...anti-malarial medicine.  It was a strange scene.  Me, Kevin and the doc, sitting in the doc's office, all three of us on our iPhones looking up the name of the medication so he can prescribe it for us.   After checking on the CDC website, he decided to prescribe atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone) and not "the one that causes depression or thoughts of suicide," mefloquine (Lariam).  Uh..gee thanks. :)

Well to make a long story short, I never picked up the medicine because insurance doesn't cover it and it would have cost us $231 per person for 23 pills each.  Fuggedaboutit!!!  How bad can a little malaria be??

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